Why Bad Things Happen to Good People – And How To Change It

When bad things happen to good people, we struggle to understand why. Most people think that things simply happen in life, with no real rhyme or reason, and that there’s no telling why some get hit and some get lucky.

We’re pretty much tapping in the dark, not unlike that protagonist in the 1980 movie The Gods Must Be Crazy, who found a Coca-Cola bottle that had dropped from an airplane in the middle of the Kalahari desert. Living far from industrialized society and knowing nothing of Coca-Cola or airplanes, the man decided this shiny object must be a gift from the gods. Because that’s what we do when we have no other explanation – we turn to myths and superstitions in an effort to fill in the gaps, sometimes to our great detriment. In the Middle Ages, if you were a successful woman or a woman who had too many kids, or a woman who had no kids, or for that matter, if you simply knew how to swim, you ran the risk of being accused of witchcraft and being tortured to death. It sounds totally nutty, but people tend to take their superstitions very, very seriously!


Deer In The Headlights

We're captives of our own beliefs, which only allow us to perceive the world through a very narrow lens that prevents us from seeing the larger picture. Of course, everybody always thinks that they're seeing situations clearly, but in truth, we’re only capable of perceiving a very limited scope of reality. We literally cannot see anything outside of our established neural framework.

To make things worse, we are driven by all kinds of fears. We have this pre-programmed instinctual drive to flee or fight whenever we find ourselves in unknown circumstances – and we’re always in unknown circumstances! I mean, who knows what any given day might bring? This fight or flight instinct served us well in days gone by when we had to escape from lions and tigers and bears, but it does very little good today if we’re staring down a scary diagnosis.

This constant daily grind wears on us, and we find ourselves overwhelmed, overbooked, overtired, overweight, and dragged down. We’re anxious because we don’t feel in control and sense our own vulnerability. We feel like deer in the headlights, and so we go on autopilot. We look neither left nor right, put one foot in front of the other, go to work, and try not to think too hard. When we get home,  we turn on the TV to live in someone else’s reality show. Like zombies, autopilot keeps us from taking conscious action and causes us to do the same things over and over again. It means that nothing ever changes, but there’s a kind of comfort in that. It’s the devil, you know, but it's also a dangerous neighborhood - nothing good ever happens there.


Everything Has a Cause

The fact is that nothing just happens out of the blue. Every effect has an originating cause, and if we were able to see the big picture, it would be clear as day to us. God does not “allow” bad things to happen to people, nor good things, for that matter. The universe is set up in a far bigger, much more wondrous way than we can even imagine. We live in a limitless universe full of infinite possibilities. Just look up at the night sky. You can actually see the boundless infinity that surrounds us!

In every moment, the entire scale of possibility is at our fingertips. It’s not that in the next moment, only this one thing can happen; we are never limited in any way. This is why the discovery of quantum physics was so important. It proved scientifically that all possible outcomes are inherent until an event comes to a conclusion. A spinning coin is both heads AND tales until it is stopped. In other words, nothing’s over until the fat lady sings! Of course, by necessity, the scale of limitless possibility is infinite in both directions. This includes the greatest horror to the very best outcome imaginable. But here’s the shift in thinking and the most important part: You are not hopelessly exposed to these outcomes! You have the power to decide where you place yourself on the scale of infinite possibility. You determine the game you want to play by the energy you contribute.


Energy Is Everything

Everything is energy, and energy is everything. We know this from high school chemistry, but rarely do we consider the massive implications this has for our daily existence. Everything in the universe is primarily made of energy. An atom is 99.9% energy and only 0.1% matter. Imagine that!

The vibrational frequency of the energy determines its attributes, whether solid, liquid, or gas. You, too, are made of energy, and your vibrational frequency determines the quality of your life. Like on a radio dial, you dial into the frequency of the music you want to hear. You’re free to turn your dial anywhere, but you can't complain if you don't like what you're hearing. You can rain on the most beautiful parade if you so choose. But also, you can turn every seemingly negative experience into the best thing that’s ever happened to you – all by a simple shift in energy, a shift in perspective.

Modern science is now trying to help us understand that the frequency of your energy does not only affect your emotions, but it also affects the real-life outcome of a situation you are facing. The energetic frequency in which we exist determines the real-life outcomes in our lives. They are not caused by fate, or bad luck, or the will of the gods. Sloppy focus creates unpredictable outcomes. Suppose you see the world going to hell in a handbasket; that will be your experience. You decide.

Your energetic frequency determines everything, but especially your health. Louise Hay, in her book You Can Heal Your Life, explains that every disease carries a certain frequency that disrupts the nominal frequency of a healthy cell in a particular way. These disruptive frequencies can affect you physically or emotionally. You can make yourself sick by eating foods that are bad for you, but you can make yourself just as sick by living in a constant state of fear, anger, resentment, or other chronic negativity. You can feel in your own body that fear begets more fear, anger begets more anger, and that love begets more love.


Become An Energy Warrior

This is such a new way of looking at things that, in many ways, we are like children in this. We have to learn to control our focus and energy, just like we once had to learn how to walk. In fact, this is the next step in human evolution. It is well worth the effort because the implications are so huge! It means that we can truly have and be and do anything we desire.

The first and most important step is to recognize that YOU are the determining factor in your life. YOU are the cause of every effect in your life. There is NO OUTSIDE INFLUENCE that causes anything to happen to you. There is no god that “allows” bad things to happen to you. Bad things don’t happen to good people; bad things happen to sloppily-focused people. Take a look at your own chronic behavior patterns. Do you recognize how the current situation came to be?

You have been endowed with an awesome power to master your own fate and live your very best life. Now, you must learn to wield that power responsibly. Guard your energetic vibration with utmost vigilance. Don’t allow anyone or anything to affect you in a negative way. Walk away. Of, if that is not a possibility, remember that anything can be turned into a positive simply by turning the other cheek – meaning by shifting your perspective.

Ask yourself, where is the good in this situation that I am currently not seeing? This question is a potent antidote to alleviate the poison of a bad situation and the fear it brings. The cool thing about infinite possibility is that there are always equal parts good in even the seemingly worst situation. Many years ago, after I had been sentenced to prison, I thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I was filled with terror. When I walked through the prison gates, my heart hammered so hard in my chest that it was visible through my t-shirt! But I could not live with this fear and terror forever, so I shifted my perspective. I decided to look at my prison sentence as an opportunity, my personal rehab, giving me time to really work on myself. By the time I was released, I was a completely new person, and just a few years later, my new energy frequency in which I now existed helped me become a multi-millionaire. I don’t think that would have been possible without the time I got to spend in “the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

What can you do to raise the frequency of your energy? Do what makes you feel good!

Laugh! Watch funny YouTube videos! Laughter is not only fun, it is an extremely strong energy shifter that releases hormones that heal and balance the mind and body.

Sing! Dance! Meditate!

Spend time doing activities that make you feel expansive – whatever that means for you. When I make my art, I go into an almost trance-like state of creativity. It feels wonderful, and so I know it is good for me.

Exercise! Move your body!

Eat tasty, healthy foods to nourish yourself.

Breathe deeply! Long inhales through the nose increase energy. Conversely, longer exhales are calming to the nervous system.

Finally, take a little time each morning to bask in the miracle of your existence. You get to be here! Imagine that! Appreciate all the things you take for granted: a warm, soft bed, clean water, clean clothes, a good breakfast, and the love of your family and friends. Appreciation for the many wonderful things in your life is a good way to expand your vibration. I like to say that appreciation is a real estate term – it means something is worth more than it was before. Everything in your life becomes more precious when you take the time to appreciate it. It makes you feel better, and that raises your energy.

Get off autopilot and make a conscious decision to have fun today. When you begin your day in a state of high energy, you’re in a very good neighborhood, and you can be sure that something glorious is coming your way!


Learn More About Controlling Energy




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