A Small Change With Massive Impact You Should Know About

Recently, I made one small change in my life that I just have to tell you about because it’s had a huge impact on everything. It’s not a new diet, although I am actually losing weight as a result of it. It’s not a new sleep aid, although I am sleeping much deeper and feeling significantly more rested. It’s not a new workout program, even though since I’m not so exhausted all the time anymore, I am now able to exercise regularly.


Before I tell you about the change I made, let me tell you why I did it. See, I’ve been feeling very anxious lately. I’ve had this depressing feeling that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and I’m not safe in my skin anymore. Maybe you can even relate to what I am talking about. Feeling like this really had me concerned, and not only because being so anxious was a very, very uncomfortable feeling. I was much more concerned because I have been in the science and coaching world for a long time now, and as a result, I am keenly aware that everything is energy and that the frequency in which we exist affects every aspect of our being. This isn’t woo-woo either; this is cold, hard science that I am talking about. Our bodies are made up of approximately 75 trillion cells – that’s a huge number with twelve zeros on it. At the center of each and every one of these cells are atoms, and at the center of all these atoms, there is energy. In fact, 99.99% of an atom is energy, and only a tiny fraction is the actual matter. So, the very building blocks of our physical body and, indeed, the physical world we live in are primarily made of pure energy. It's easy to ignore this fact because the physical world looks so, well, physical. It looks so solid, and so we fool ourselves into thinking that energy doesn’t really matter so much. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.


The energetic frequency with which we surround ourselves determines our physical and emotional well-being. Everything has a particular energy pattern at its center that allows it to exist, an energetic blueprint if you will. All is well as long as this energy pattern remains nominal, but when this prescribed frequency breaks down, the original structure struggles to exist. Every illness, for example, has its own particular energetic pattern, which disturbs the healthy pattern. Literally, it is a dis-ease, which can affect us physically as well as emotionally. That’s why it's so important to be cognizant of the energy around us. So many people I know keep a very close eye on their nutritional intake. They wouldn’t allow junk food into their bodies, but they allow junk energy to poison the atmosphere in which they exist.

The energetic frequency with which we surround ourselves determines our physical and emotional well-being. Everything has a particular energy pattern at its center that allows it to exist, an energetic blueprint if you will. All is well as long as this energy pattern remains nominal, but when this prescribed frequency breaks down, the original structure struggles to exist. Every illness, for example, has its own particular energetic pattern, which disturbs the healthy pattern. Literally, it is a dis-ease, which can affect us physically as well as emotionally. That’s why being cognizant of the energy around us is so important. So many people I know keep a very close eye on their nutritional intake. They wouldn’t allow junk food into their bodies, but they allow junk energy to poison the atmosphere in which they exist.

And it’s not just our health we’re jeopardizing with bad energy; it’s all the rest of our life, too! Anything, from the very worst to the very best, can always happen, but where you fall on this spectrum of possibility is determined by your focus. If you’re always focused on the negative, it's not only what you see; it's also what you will inevitably draw into your experience. You can’t expect the worst but hope for the best. When your radar is tuned toward the worst, that’s what you’ll find. And while you’re tuned there, you’ll also miss out on the incredible, breathtaking beauty that is all around. You simply can’t look both ways at the same time, no matter how hard you try. Feeling as anxious and gloomy as I did, I was painfully aware that I was on an emotional and physical trajectory that would be leading somewhere I didn’t want to be. I had to make a change.

So, do you want to know what the one small change was that improved everything for me? I stopped watching the news! That’s it. No more politics, no more murder, no more mayhem. I can hear the grumblings among many of my readers already. “But we have to watch the news! Especially with all that’s going on in the world – we have to be informed. That’s just what they would want you to do – stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is peachy!” But I ask you – what are you really accomplishing by keeping yourself "informed"? Is there even one thing that will be improved by your focusing on the worst common denominator the world has to offer? (Remember, you’re not watching everything that's happened, you’re only watching the horrible things that actually made the news.) Ask yourself - are you changing one bloody thing in the world by poisoning your energetic frequency with your outrage? Is it worth the risk to your health? Is it worth your precious time - the one thing you’ll never get back? Is it worth giving up your enjoyment and appreciation of life? Is it worth giving up your gratitude for the many gifts you have? You can’t feel bad enough to make someone else feel better. Nobody is helped by your anger. In fact, I believe that your positive energy is a much greater contribution to this world than your anger.

You may agree with me, or you may disagree. I’m not saying you have to make the same choice I made. But remember, whatever you choose has consequences for your health and your life. Love has consequences, and so does anger. I wanted to share this development with you because of the profound and completely unexpected impact it had on my life. I am fundamentally much happier. I see the beauty all around me again and am grateful again. I’m not anxious anymore. I sleep like a baby at night. I thought my irregular sleep pattern had something to do with hormones or something. I had no inkling how deeply all this headline news was affecting every aspect of life! I stopped watching, and my stress level is way down. As a result, my cortisol levels are lower, and I am actually losing weight, and I actually feel like working out instead of finding excuses not to. What do I watch instead of the news? I watch science and educational shows. You wouldn’t believe how much fascinating information is out there that's actually worth my time! And yes, I watch puppy videos simply because they make me happy. There’s a great, big, beautiful world out there where heart-warming, sweet things are always happening, and that, in my opinion, is far more worth my attention.

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